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Secret #23: Creating a Sense of Belonging

Today I will share with you the 23rd secret of autonomous teams: creating a sense of belonging.

Developing a sense of belonging and community within the team is essential for fostering cohesion and collaboration. Organize social events and team activities to strengthen interpersonal relationships.

Building a sense of belonging and community in autonomous teams is crucial for stimulating cohesion and effective collaboration. Even without daily direct interaction, team members can develop a strong connection and a shared identity through various strategies.

Key Strategies:

  1. Regular and Transparent Communication: Establish open communication channels and encourage a constant flow of information among team members. Use online collaboration tools, organize regular virtual meetings, and create online discussion spaces to facilitate communication.

  2. Focus on Common Goals: Define clear and meaningful objectives for the team and actively involve all members in the goal-setting process. Ensure that all team members understand their individual roles in achieving the common goals and how their work contributes to overall success.

  3. Promote Collaboration and Mutual Support: Encourage team members to collaborate on projects, provide mutual assistance, and share knowledge and resources. Create an environment where team members feel comfortable asking for help and offering support.

  4. Organize Social and Team Events: Periodically plan virtual or in-person social and team events to strengthen interpersonal relationships and create a camaraderie atmosphere. Team activities can include brainstorming sessions, online games, virtual parties, or group outings.

  5. Recognize and Appreciate Achievements: Regularly recognize and appreciate individual and team contributions. Provide positive feedback, offer awards and rewards, and celebrate successes together.

  6. Promote a Culture of Continuous Learning: Encourage team members to participate in training programs, share knowledge, and learn from each other. Create an environment where team members are encouraged to explore new skills and develop their knowledge.


  • Increases Team Cohesion: A strong sense of belonging leads to a more united and cohesive team that is more likely to work together effectively and overcome challenges.

  • Stimulates Collaboration: Team members who feel connected are more likely to collaborate on projects, share ideas, and offer mutual support.

  • Improves Job Satisfaction: A sense of belonging can lead to greater job satisfaction, increased engagement, and better employee retention.

  • Boosts Productivity: Teams with a strong sense of belonging are often more productive and efficient than teams with low cohesion levels.


Creating a sense of belonging and community in autonomous teams is a valuable investment that can lead to more effective collaboration, increased job satisfaction, and higher productivity. By implementing the strategies outlined above, leaders can facilitate the development of a positive and inclusive team environment that fosters the success of the autonomous team.

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