What problem does it solve?
You're determined to do everything by the book this time. You've created a scorecard for the role you're hiring for. The results are clear and measurable, and the competencies are well-defined, but even though you have the criteria in hand, you have no one to choose from. There are too few applicants for the position. Those willing to interview don't meet the minimum criteria, and the demands are high. You're starting to feel the increasing psychological pressure of urgency – you must act before it's too late.
This way of thinking influences many entrepreneurial decisions, but it's most noticeable regarding hiring. Whether it's a mechanic or an executive director, there's a concern for the speed of hiring rather than the accuracy of the decision.
"Andrea, you don't understand. Every day without a person hired for the position means lost money." I can almost hear your thoughts, but I realize it's just an article, and I can't hear you speak.
"That's right, I would like to find someone who can perform for the next 10 years, but I need to be pragmatic. And anyway, there aren't many people who can do this job well, so I should hire the first one who seems somewhat capable. If I wait too long, I might not find anyone." These are the words I hear from entrepreneurs when discussing this subject.
What is the solution?
The reality is that obtaining exceptional candidates doesn't happen without effort( for large or small companies). It's not an isolated event or something you deal with only occasionally. Generating a flow of talents is a continuous effort.
Successful managers are always on the lookout for talent and identify them even before they need them. It may be a cliché that a leader's number one responsibility is recruiting, but it's true.
There are several sources from which you can obtain candidates:
Databases of people looking for jobs are a convenient, inexpensive, and quick solution. They are worth exploring but rarely contain exceptional candidates.
Recruitment agencies are a more expensive solution, but they provide access to a larger number of candidates. To ensure you get what you truly want, use the same rigorous method in choosing a recruitment agency as you do with your employees. Communicate the scorecard for the vacant role and ensure the recruitment agencies consider it. Invest time to ensure that agency representatives understand the company's culture and the specifics of the role to increase the chances of finding the right candidates.
Request recommendations from your employees. To encourage employee referrals, include it as an outcome in each scorecard. Encourage employees to ask for talent referrals from their acquaintances.
Request recommendations from your personal and professional network. Of all talent identification methods, this is the number one method. The following process will show you step-by-step how to do it.
What are the benefits of this process?
This approach may seem daunting and time-consuming, but it is the most effective method of identifying talent. Success in this process lies in consistency and discipline in its application. Talent acquisition is the primary job of the entrepreneur and top management.
Talented people know other talented people and often can't wait to share their names.
Once you have identified 10 talented people in your contact network, you can request 10 recommendations from each of them, and suddenly, you have a list of 50 people.
Persist in this activity, and you'll have a talent network. Don't just stop at your knowledgeable contacts; ask for recommendations. Ask them who the most talented salespeople they know are. Ask your business partners who they know with talent in business development. Ask your suppliers about the best procurement managers. The people you interact with daily are the most powerful sources of talent.
Who are the talented individuals in your personal and professional network? Start making the list right now.