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The Process by which we create an email that increases the conversion rate.

How do email sequences increase the conversion rate?

Through an email sequence, you will implant in the customer's mind the financial benefits that come with using your product.

You provide the necessary education so that the customer is willing to pay for the value your product brings to their business. This way, you can generate the profit you need to grow. You won't sell from the perspective of the acquisition cost that leaves you without a margin.

Email sequences are for both customers and employees. The financial projection of your product is not always shared by employees. Through written texts, you ensure that you repeat it often enough so that even employees will come to know and believe in the financial benefits of the product. Moreover, they will support them in front of the customer.

To continue growing, you constantly need new products. Unfortunately, the sales force does not absorb information as quickly as you would like. Not all sellers will be ready to present the product to your ideal customer. Through these email sequences, you ensure that your sellers have all the necessary arguments to close a deal more quickly.

Why is it important for your business to have an email sequence to increase the conversion rate?

Every acquired seller behaves as they see fit to close deals with your customers. Sometimes their own intuition helps, but most of the time it does NOT. What do I know for sure? Every time you introduce new products, the first barrier is the seller, who tries to convince you that it won't work, and customers won't buy. Although they should have opinions in favor of the company, sellers and sales managers are subjective. They prefer to support ideas that help them make more money in the short term. They do not offer the objective market perspective you desperately need to generate growth. Through this marketing tool—an email sequence—you ensure that your sales force overcomes those mental barriers.

A good email sequence ensures the flow of information that you want your sellers to present to the customer in a structured way. Unfortunately, your own employees are saboteurs of new products. It's a natural reaction to the new. Why? For any new product, you and your team need to step out of your comfort zone, make an effort to learn, take risks, test, and actually sell.

Your sales team cannot operate with so much product information. These emails help them address objections raised by customers or present themselves professionally to the customer.

The decision-making process is not linear. Each customer reacts to certain information. You are the one who needs to assist the customer throughout the process, until they buy repeatedly and recommend you. The email sequence builds arguments in their mind to understand how the decision to buy from you is good for them.

Customers need more creative interactions with your product. And you need to arouse their desire so that they at least ask for the first and last offer. The first offer to take them through the entire education process. The last offer is to be at the negotiating table when they make the final decision.

Out of sight, out of mind. It's almost impossible for your sales team to make the necessary acquisition visits. Through email, you remain in the customer's attention, even when they decide to try products from the competition. Which, let's be honest, you can't avoid. And sometimes it even helps.

There are also more complex products that need to be configured together with the customer. Think about the following example: you buy a strategy game, and to enjoy it, you need to create the world first. The game is good, everything seems to be in its place. The problem is that the experience you have with the product, in this case, the game, is in line with the world you create. Essentially, if you want customers to have a positive experience with you and your product, deliver the information they need to build their world as quickly as possible and then enjoy it. Only then will they recommend you.

An email sequence to increase the conversion rate can be the solution. Why? It's the way to get in front of customers' eyes with written information, which has the highest chance of being read. Click here to download the graphical process.

What types of emails can you create?

The difference between prospect emails and conversion emails is made by the document you start from. In the case of prospects, start from a general sales page. In the case of conversion, I suggest starting from the Offer that Sells.

What can you do? Take each part of the offer and detail it.

  • FOR WHOM. Clarify who your offer fits best. This way, the customer knows if they are or are not in your target audience. This speeds up their decision. They will know if it's for them. They will know if it's for now.

  • VALIDITY PERIOD. I encounter many sellers who do not use validity periods. You need to move the customer, so they buy now. For me, it's not the same whether I convert 2 customers in a month or 1000 customers. The conversion rate has two components: as fast as possible and as many as possible. The combination of the two, as many as possible in the shortest time, works wonders.

  • ABOUT YOU. Now is the time to say something about yourself. The offer is not about you; it's about the customer. But to increase the chance of purchase, you need to build relationships, you need to be known.

  • BENEFITS AND FEATURES. Repetition is the mother of learning. Most people believe in this, but few know how to practice it. And then they come up with inventions: theory is theory, but practice kills us. It's not true. A good theory can be applied. An invention, a concept, just tickles the ears. Training with meaningless words leads to arguments. Through email sequences, you can repeat the product's benefits in countless ways: describe them, highlight the results your customer can expect, tell them how to use the product, explain the standard at which your product can be used, and so on. Repeat, but do it creatively.

  • BONUS. Unfortunately, your sellers rarely use bonuses to close deals even faster. Worse, not all customers are aware of bonuses. It often happens that some customers understand the bonus you offer only after they have made a purchase. I recommend making sure that information about the bonus reaches both employees and customers.

  • TESTIMONIALS. Most of the time, I receive cluttered emails. All the information is there, but you have to look for it. Sometimes, the customer wants what another has, or they want to be like someone else. Michael Jordan still receives $400 million a year from Nike sales made with the product that bears his name. It seems that many still want to be like Michael, even if they will never set foot on a basketball court in their lives.

  • GUARANTEES. A guarantee that resonates with the customer will make your product sell even faster. Include it in your strategy, and be 100% sure that all involved parties hear the guarantee you offer. Which people, you ask? Everyone: suppliers, customers, collaborators, employees. Maybe you're already hovering over the delete button. Have a little patience. Yes, suppliers need to know what guarantees, and what bonuses you offer. Why? So they can help you with price reductions or support of any kind. Partners need to know them. Why? You can't imagine how many times a financier is asked: do you have any idea what car I should buy? Your financier, your collaborator, can influence the business in your favor, consciously or not.

  • COMPARISONS WITH OTHER PRODUCTS. We rarely use product comparisons. Help the customer make decisions by making comparisons between products: technical, benefits, uses, and price. Make sure you are also in this decision.

The best results to expect?

The customer will involve you in all sub-decisions regarding your product.

You make sure you don't enter significant negotiations with customers who are not your ideal customers. You don't need to waste resources on these prospects. They are bad advertising, especially if they buy and the product doesn't bring them the expected value.

You will be in the customer's attention in moments of calm when they are looking to make decisions.

You establish a relationship of trust with the customer, ensuring that you are at the consultation table before being at the negotiation table.

You will be the first to know about the customer's intention to buy.

You want to start discussions from the moment the customer identifies a problem. If you enter negotiations when the customer knows the solution and has accepted it, you will sell at a price.

A few things you will let go of.

The times when you chased new customers frantically will be long forgotten.

You will let go of the habit of acquiring expensive prospects.

Cases where you made many offers and few bought will be increasingly rare.

If in the past, you had trouble identifying market needs and launching new products was more of an ordeal than a sale, now you are in touch with the market and know which products bring the most value to those who need them.

You will not be so in love with the product that you forget about customers.



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